'Food Matters | Deeba Rajpal | TEDxHansrajCollege'

14:23 Oct 26, 2023
'A passionate food blogger, Deeba Rajpal talks about the importance of food on one\'s plate, it\'s appeal and the carbon foot print of processed food. She describes through her journey how the language of food connects us all . Being passionate about reinventing ordinary recipes with simple ingredients, she crafts the importance of home cooking.   Non-conformist, a \'rabid\' baker cum food blogger from Gurgaon, for whom visual appeal holds as much significance as healthy & delicious food. An obsessed baker and cook, a \'locavore\' by design, who enjoys getting food to the table with seasonal ingredients and local produce. Give me an ingredient, offer me an idea, that\'s enough for the magic to begin. I love stirring a good curry too!  This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx' 

Tags: Women , Cooking , Health , Food , life , art , adventure , India , Creativity , english , depression , love , community , value , happiness , digital , TEDxTalks , passion , writing , creation , public health , Product Design , simplicity , Women in business

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